Mushroom compost, mushroom seeds, oyster mushroom seeds, cover soil and Ariana button mushroom seeds

Ariana mushroom seed and mushroom soil production group and supplier of mushroom compost with more than two decades of managers' experience in the fields of: mushroom seed production industry, mushroom compost and production of edible mushrooms such as oyster mushrooms and button mushrooms and activities like this can Have good cooperation with you. For more information about mushroom compost and mushroom seeds, use the contact us section.


Consulting in the field of button mushroom compost production, edible mushroom seed production, button mushroom and oyster mushroom production and curing

Ariana mushroom soil unit address:Karaj, Mohammad Shahr, Shams Street, first door on the right

Ariana mushroom seed unit address:Ariana Mushroom Seed Unit, Hesar Tahmasab, Safadasht, Tehran

 02634990354-Phoneتلفن: :02634990358

02165949017  - 02165949117

Fax : 02636305453

 09121780442  -  Mobileموبایل: :09126888295