Oyster mushroom seeds

Oyster mushroom seeds

All kinds of oyster mushroom species, such as Hyphreus (pea color), Florida (white color), Stratus (China: white color, Thailand: white color, Iran: gray color),
Citrinophyllotus (golden mushroom), Dejamor (gray color), Sajarkajo (white color) ), Arinji Yashah oyster (pea color)

Oyster mushroom seed  is actually mycelium grown on wheat grain, which is produced and supplied in heat-resistant polypropylene bags with a cotton cap. Each bag is approximately 1.5 kg, which is processed in a process of 7 to 10 days after autoclaving the wheat. And mixing with the stock will be completely ripe and ready to be consumed. The ripe oyster seed is completely white and does not smell sour (bacterial attack on the seed). Orange, black, and green powder spots are not seen in it (as a result of the attack). but it should be mentioned that if you see colored drops in the oyster mushroom seed, there is no need to worry that it is actually the enzymes of the seed itself.

The process of producing oyster mushroom seeds is as follows: first we clean the wheat and then let it cook for 1 hour. After the wheat cools down, it is completely mixed with gypsum and calcium carbonate in a mixer and placed in polypropylene bags of size 20 It is filled to 50 cm, the lid of the bag is piped and cotton is placed, and we autoclave for 200 minutes. An autoclave is a device that performs sterilization under pressure and steam, which is similar to a pressure cooker at home.

Autoclaved bags are transferred to shelves in the cold room to cool as quickly as possible.
After the bags are completely cooled, they are transferred to the inoculation room and mixed with oyster mushroom stock under a device called Laminar Air Flow (LAF). Usually, each stock is divided into 20 to 25 bags. After the bags are inoculated The seed is transferred to the incubation room, which has a temperature of 22 to 24 degrees Celsius. It remains in this room for 7 to 10 days until it fully ripens and the oyster mushroom thread uses the wheat and the wheat grain turns completely white.

Ariana seed unit with experienced staff and up-to-date facilities, produces and supplies seeds of all kinds of edible and medicinal mushrooms in the form of 1st generation.


Oyster mushroom seeds are supplied in 1 kg polybags with cotton caps.




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