Pasteurization of topsoil

Pasteurization of topsoil

In order to eliminate harmful living factors such as insects, fungi, nematodes, bacteria, etc., it is necessary to pasteurize the cover soil.
Soil pasteurization is done in pasteurization tunnels that have a special structure. The steam produced by the boiler enters the soil through spigots on the tunnel floor.
The process of fine soil cover in Ariana soil takes about 20 hours, which is about 10 hours in Pasto soil at 6 degrees Celsius.
The height of the soil in the tunnel is about 45 to 50 cm.


Several sensors are placed at regular intervals on different soil levels in the tunnel to ensure the accuracy of the process during pasteurization



It should be noted that before EC pasteurization, the soil should be measured first. If it is within the standard range, the rest of the steps are done in the following order to

prepare the soil:

 .covering soil sand: in such a way that large pieces of soil and clay are separated
Mixing of soils: Since the cover soil is collected from several regions in Iran and each has a separate texture, the soils must be well  mixed with each other so that they have a uniform texture at the time of soiling in the mushroom cultivation hall
 Humidification: To perform pasteurization, the soil must be good and fertile, which makes it difficult to spread it on the compost and can increase it, which causes problems in the running paw. . to be
It is better to use water with low EC (salinity) for watering the soil
 Pouring soil inside the tunnel: in industrial units, this work is done by a machine and in traditional productions by a worker with a shovel
Soil pasteurization: This step has been mentioned above
 Emptying and packing the soil: After the pasteurization and cooling of the soil, it is time to empty and bag the soil
The soil is filled in laminate sacks about 20 to 25 kg and the sack lid is sewn
The sewn sacks are ready to be sent to mushroom cultivation units and used for soiling




  Never apply formalin to the pasteurized soil, because it destroys all soil microorganisms and damages the soil texture

 Ariana soil is sent to low humidity, please add water to the required amount at the time of use and process the soil
 You can use carbendazim when moistening the soil to remove competing molds, which unfortunately have a lot of mold spores in our living environment


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